DIAMOND JUBLIEE 14TH DECEMBER 2024 / Golden Jubilee Valedictory Function December 14th 2013

The Science Club conducted various competitions for the year 2012-13.   We had Elocution competition in which students of higher primary participated with fluency and presented their speeches in an exemplary way.  Apart from Elocution, we also conducted various competitions like pick and speak, spell bee, quiz, dumb charades and so on.  This gave the students a platform to chisel their skills.

We are very happy to inform that primary student participated sportively in many sports events which was conducted in our school and also in Inter school competition. Zonal level sports competitions were held on 30.07.13 and 31.07.13.  Poornima of VII B won first place in long jump and third place in 100 mts. She is selected for Taluk level sports on 27th and 28th of August 2013.
Umme Rumana of VIIA won first place in 400 mts running race.  She is also selected for Taluk level sports.
Our primary boys were declared runners up in the Shuttle badminton and table tennis events.

The school conducted one day picnic for the Primary section to have a break from the daily routine.
In the month of November, the students of lower Primary section had been to ‘Capital Club’ resort at Bangalore. The higher primary students  were taken to ‘Wonder la’.

The Investiture ceremony was held for Cub’s and Bul Buls at the school premises.  The Cubs  and  Bulbuls were divided into groups and names
were given. The selected ‘sixer’ or leaders attended a leadership training camp at St. John’s school.  They were eight Cubs and seven Bulbuls. The Cubs and Bulbuls actively participated in the Independence day celebration, Annual Day, Sports Day, Republic day.  The cubs, bulbuls participated in the flag day celebration held by the Stracey School scouts under the leadership of the Principal. They also attended a  rally on ‘youth day’ on account of Swami Vivekananda’s birthday celebration at Sri Kanteerava Stadium.  The activities of the Cub’s & Bulbul’s came to an end on the ‘Thinking Day’ birthday of the founder.    

The students participated in various competitions. The children participated in painting competitions organized by NANDI TOYOTA on June 26th 2012. Also a painting competition ‘PRATHIBA KARANJI’ was held from 8th November to 4th December 2012.  Besides, the Bank of Baroda organized one more competition on 4th December 2012.  Again,  there was a competition on ‘ROAD SAFETY’ on 6th January 2013. Similarly, the HP Company organized a painting competition on 10th February 2013.

‘KID’S FOR TIGERS’ is a nation-wide effort of school children to save the wild tiger and its habitat from extinction. On 26th July 2012, ‘WORLD ENVIRONMENT DAY’ was celebrated in our school premises by conducting   various  programmes   like   ‘Face painting,  mask  making, drawing   competition   and   also   held   a    rally  in   front of the school
conveying the message, “SAVE FOREST”, “PREVENT GLOBAL WARMING” and “A TREE IN EVERY HOUSE”.  Students participated in ‘NATURE’S WALK’ at Lalbagh. We have four school’s ambassadors for ‘SAVE TIGERS’.       

The school observed, as usual, Independence day, Founder’s Day, Gandhi Jayanthi, Children’s Day and Republic Day.  The students and staff have helped the NGOs like ‘Little sisters’ of the poor and ‘Sri Rakum School of Physically challenged’.


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